Bikaji India Contact Details, Office Address, Helpline No, Email IDs

Bikaji India Contact Details, Office Address, Helpline No, Email IDs

Bikaji India Contact Details, Office Address, Helpline No, Email IDs including headquarters address, office phone number, customer support helpline number and email id is available here with company bio data, network presence, as well as service locations. If you are looking for the profile like foundation year, founder, office locations, parent company, etc. So, from below, you can get all that including contact details of Bikaji in India.

About Bikaji

Bikaji foods international limited is an India based food and snacks providing company. The company was founded in 1987, has main office as head office in Rajasthan. Bikaji foods international limited is one of the largest food and snacks companies in India. It is one of the famous names, providing food and snacks services in India. Bikaji foods international limited provides bikaneri bhujia, papad, namkeen and sweets. Below, you can check all types of contact details of Bikaji India Company.

Bikaji India Company Profile

  • Company Full Name: Bikaji food international limited
  • Type: Public
  • Industry: Food and snacks
  • Founded Year: 1987
  • Founder: Shivratan Agarwal
  • Headquarters: Rajasthan, India
  • Key People: NA
  • Parent Company: NA
  • Subsidiaries: NA
Bikaji India Contact Details, Office Address, Helpline No, Email IDs

How to find Bikaji India Contact Information

The company has millions of customers and they always try to find Bikaji India contact details including office address, customer care, social pages on the internet. Sometimes, customers faces several types of issue with products and also want to contact for general queries. But, they don’t know how to find Bikaji for customer support, as well as how to reach Bikaji India customer care.

In this article, you can check all important details and fastest ways to reach Bikaji India customer care team and other departments for any kind of help, general information, sales and technical support before and after sales. Here, you can find customer care number of Bikaji, main office address of Bikaji, as well as Bikaji toll free number, Bikaji India helpline no, Bikaji phone number, social ids, website, blogs, as well as contact information of board of directors, if available.

Important Bikaji India Contact Information

Bikaji Customer Care Number 1800- 102-9046  (11am to 5pm) Mon to Sat
Bikaji Customer Support
Bikaji Customer Care Office AddressF-196/197, Bichhwal Industrial Area, Bikaner 334 006, Rajasthan, India
Twitter Account  

Note: Some numbers provided above may be non toll free number, so please verify call charges from your operator before call.

Bikaji Main Office Locations in India

Through the information of Bikaji offices, you can get much more support after customer care department. Here, you can check headquarters address of Bikaji India, contact phone no of Bikaji corporate office India, as well as Bikaji India office locations.

Bikaji India Head Office Contact Details

  • Bikaji Head Office Address: F-196-197, Bichhwal Industrial Area, Bikaner 334006, Rajasthan, India
  • Bikaji Head Office Phone Number:  +91-151-2259914, 0588, +91-151-2251814, 1964
  • Bikaji Head Office Fax Number: NA
  • Bikaji Head Office Email ID:

Bikaji foods international limited Other Office Locations in India

  • Bikaji foods international limited has 1 regional office in India, which is located in Mumbai.

List of Areawise Bikaji Regional Office in India

CityContact details
MumbaiAddress: Plot No 39,40,41, Aroon Industrial Estate, Ramchandra Lane, Malad (West) Mumbai 400064, Maharashtra, India
Phone: +91-22-28836701

Check Also: For the contact information of Wipro, you can click here

Some Additional Information

As you checked has provided Bikaji India Contact Details, Office Address, Helpline No, Email IDs including Customer Care, office phone number, headquarters address, as well as website and social profiles. If are facing any type of issue with above-given information, so you can tell us.


  1. Hello Sir/Mam

    सर मेरा नाम अमित जैन है,मैं नवागढ़ (491337) जिला बेमेतरा छत्तीसगढ़ में Bikaji प्रोडक्ट का डीलरशिप लेना चाहता हु,कृपया आप मुझे इस संबंध में पूरी जानकारी देने की कृपा करते।

    मेरा मोबाइल नम्बर–9926610076

    • सर मेरा नाम Dheer Singh है,मैं Ambedkar Nagar Utter Pradesh(224157) में Bikaji प्रोडक्ट का डीलरशिप लेना चाहता हु,कृपया आप मुझे इस संबंध में पूरी जानकारी देने की कृपा करते।

      मेरा मोबाइल नम्बर–8858469922,8288904717

  2. सर मैं नागौर राजस्थान से बीकाजी की फ्रेंचाइजी लेना चाहता हूं इस संबंध में मुझे पूरी जानकारी दें कांटेक्ट नंबर 8239-947-990

    • Saquib khan says
      Octombar 12..2020
      Sir me saquib khan ta.sillod dist Aurangabad 431112 se Bikaji ki dilarshif lena chahta hu krupa aap mujhe is sambhandh me puri jankari dene ki krupa kare Mera phon nombar
      94 22 73 46 13

  3. मैं शान्तनु कुमार शिवपुर वाराणसी में डीलरशिप लेना चाहता हूँ कृपया मार्गदर्शन दे

  4. Starting supermarket in heart of Pitampura Delhi- 15000 sq ft area with 5 floors each floor 2500 sq ft. Kindly contact us at 7290010872 . Store will be opened on 17th Oct.2020

  5. Sir Mera name sujeet Kumar prajapati hai.mai aurangabad (bihar) k rahne Hu. Mere districk Yeriya pin code hai (824101) Es taim mai Jaipur me hu Maine Bikaji ka kuchh products Maine Ghar pe onlain dilebhar krway the Jo ki
    Ush products ko Khane bad log ushe Bahut testic hai boll rhe the ush products bhari matra chah rhe hai
    Sir Mera khud ka ek jenral kirana stor hai es liye mai bikaji delar sipp lena chahte kyo mere districk me aapka bikaji brand nahi hai
    So sir jald se jald hame eske bare me jwab de sir.
    Mera number -9199353360

  6. I’m interested new distribution ship
    Mob 9730418198 call me
    Maharashtra three district washim &hingoli& bhuldhana new

  7. Sir mai Sujeet Kumar prajapati
    Kal maine kuch comment bheje the sir
    So jwab nhi aaya hai sir
    Mai apka jwab ka intjar kr rha hu sir
    Pilez sir mere number pe contact kijiye sir

  8. सर मे चीखली महाराष्ट्र से हु bikaji की डीलर शिप लेना चाहता हु आप मुजे इसके बारे मे बता हे. मेरे नंबर. 7066866963

  9. I am interested in franchise shop of Bikaji in Lanja Ratnagiri Maharashtra. Please let me know the requirements from the company end. Thanks in advance.
    My contact number :9011166954

  10. मुझे बिकजी की डीलरशिप चाहिए
    जिला (बारां)
    छाबरा गुगोर पिन:-325220

  11. Myself Satish Pakhale. I m interested in bikaji products delarship At. Ta. Jawhar , Dist Palghar please contact
    9209696790, 9011041174

  12. बीकाजी की डीलरशिप चाहिए अंजार , कच्छ ,गुजरात मे

  13. श्रीमान, मेरी भायंदर ईस्ट में अच्छी लोकेशन पर मेरी दुकान है। मुझे आपकी फ्रैंचाइज़ी में दिलचस्पी है, मेरा मोबाइल नं। 9820692300 है।

  14. Mere pass 360 sq feet ki badi showroom type ki shop ha mai bikaji ka showroom kholna chatha hu to aap detail send kare mb no 8949830431.

  15. dear

    sir I am leaving in bilaspur c.g
    i am a bussiness man and I am a really intreasted to take dealership of bikaji your products are too goods and tasty so
    plz help me to give me a delership of bikaji

    karan makkad

  16. सर मेरा नाम Gaurav Mishra है,मैं Basti(272001) UtterPradesh में Bikaji प्रोडक्ट का डीलरशिप लेना चाहता हु,कृपया आप मुझे इस संबंध में पूरी जानकारी देने की कृपा करते।

    मेरा मोबाइल नम्बर–9454002207

  17. Hii I am Manav Jaiswani from kota, Rajasthan . I am interested in your prestigious company bikaji . Please provide me the further details. Awaiting for your early response.

  18. Sir. Mera name narayan rawal me amet Rajsamand se hu me bikaji ki dilarship lena chata hu ye mera content nambar. 9372291691

  19. Ser me dalip singh rajsthan nagaor disstt se hu our 20 year se Himachal disstt kanta teh jaisinghpur me hu me apse judna chahta hu pls
    Mob 8894399366

  20. Respected sir… I stay in Hasimara / Jaigon and want to work with ur company including all area 4 superstokist…please do the needful at ur earliest….thank u waiting for ur Quick response and will definitely take our company to a new height with ur blessings…

  21. sir my name is kedar saundankar i have a bikaji s agency for maharastra dist hingoli taluka basmath .plz give me a proper informetion for agency
    my no 9404500711

  22. सर मैं दिनेश कुमार वैष्णव टोडारायसिंह जिला टोंक बीकाजी एजेंसी लेना चाहता हूं मेरे कांटेक्ट नंबर 6377358885

  23. Good morning
    Hello sir
    Mujhe fenchayci leni he
    Me Gujarat se Dt Mahisagar or City Lunawada pin code 389230 Mo ±9163512 58639

  24. Sir mera name ritik asati hai. Dist-damoh ,hatta ,madhya pradesh se hu.
    Me dealship lena chaheta hu to ap mujhse gulidline share kare.
    Contect no. -9109563111

  25. I PURCHASED a packet today and it was manufactured on december 2020 and it is half empty you people are wasting money on plastic you should cut the packet half if you can’t fill it full…

  26. Hi,My name is Jay MULLIAH,my newly formed company Golden Ventures is very interested to become your dealership representatitive and marketing of your products in MAURITIUS.

  27. I want to start work with this company. How can i get dealership/agency in agra utter Pradesh
    My contact number is 9897156975

  28. सर मै अमित गुप्ता घाँटी खास देवरिया से मैं बीका जी एजेंसी ले ना चाहता हूँ मेरा मोबाइल नम्बर 8052195446 8840633651

  29. Helo sir I want to start work with this can I get delearship/distributer ship of bikaji product in uttar Pradesh Banda pls contact me 6386521360

    CON NO-9412134562 ROHIT TRADERS


    Sir .
    I’m from telangana state.
    Nirmal district .
    Please tell me about distribution .
    Thank you…
    Contect …

  32. सर मेरा नाम dinesh delu है,मै नागौर से हूं (341001) Bikaji प्रोडक्ट का डीलरशिप लेना चाहता हु,कृपया आप मुझे इस संबंध में पूरी जानकारी देने की कृपा करते।

    मेरा मोबाइल नम्बर–9828722343.7850909571

  33. Sir,I am from Haldwani district nainital, I WANT TO START WARK THIS COMPANY HOW CAN DEALERSHIP.
    My contact number is 6200149033 & 8192072651 whatsapp number

  34. सर मेरा नाम अमित कुमार है,मैं उत्तर प्रदेश (241126) जिला Hardoi U.P Bikaji प्रोडक्ट का डीलरशिप लेना चाहता हु,कृपया आप मुझे इस संबंध में पूरी जानकारी देने की कृपा करते।

    मेरा मोबाइल नम्बर–9936388213


  35. Sir Mera name Amit patil h me dist.Harda (MP) ka rahne bala hu or me dist.Harda (MP) ke liye BIKAJI ki dealership lena chahta hu plzz
    Contact number. 9754085425

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