IFFCO Tokio India Contact Information, Corporate Office, Email ID including headquarters address, office phone number, customer support helpline number and email id is available here with company bio data, network presence, as well as service locations. If you are looking for the profile like foundation year, founder, office locations, parent company, etc. So, from below, you can get all that including contact details of IFFCO Tokio.
About IFFCO Tokio
IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company Limited is an India based General Insurance providing company. The company was founded in 2000, has main office as head office in Gurugram, Haryana, India. It is one of the famous names, providing General Insurance in India. IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company Limited provides Motor Insurance, Health Insurance, Travel Insurance, Home Insurance and other General Insurance. Below, you can check all types of contact details of IFFCO Tokio India Company.
IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company Limited Profile
- Company Full Name: IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company Limited
- Type: Private
- Industry: Insurance
- Founded Year: 2000
- Founder: NA
- Headquarters: Gurugram, Haryana, India
- Key People: Mr. K. Srinivasa Gowda (Chairman) Mrs. Anamika Roy Rashtrawar (MD & CEO)
- Parent Company: Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative
- Subsidiaries: NA

How to find IFFCO Tokio India Contact Information
The company has millions of customers and they always try to find IFFCO Tokio India contact details including office address, customer care, social pages on the internet. Sometimes, customers faces several types of issue with products and also want to contact for general queries. But, they don’t know how to contact IFFCO Tokio for customer support, as well as how to contact IFFCO Tokio India customer care.
In this article, you can check all important details and fastest ways to reach IFFCO Tokio India customer care team and other departments for any kind of help, general information, sales and technical support before and after sales. Here, you can find customer care number of IFFCO Tokio, main office address of IFFCO Tokio, as well as IFFCO Tokio toll free number, IFFCO Tokio India helpline no, IFFCO Tokio contact phone number, social ids, website, blogs, as well as contact information of board of directors, if available.
Important IFFCO Tokio India Contact Information
IFFCO Tokio Customer Care Number | 1800-103-5499 For customer support 24 X 7 toll-free 1800-103-5490 For Crop Related Queries +91-124-2850200 For Media |
IFFCO Tokio Customer Support Email | support@iffcotokio.co.in For customer support websupport@iffcotokio.co.in For customer support corpcomm@iffcotokio.co.in For Media |
IFFCO Tokio Customer Care Office Address | IFFCO Tower, Plot No. 3, Sector 29, Gurugram 122001, Haryana, India |
Facebook Account | www.facebook.com/iffcotokio |
Twitter Account | https://twitter.com/iffco__tokio |
Instagram Account | www.instagram.com/iffcotokioofficial |
YouTube Channel | www.youtube.com/channel/UCGjMuEXJXMVpSGK-9lWdfCQ |
Official Website | www.iffcotokio.co.in |
Note: Some numbers provided above may be non toll free number, so please verify call charges from your operator before call.
IFFCO Tokio Main Office Locations in India
Through the information of IFFCO Tokio offices, you can get much more support after customer care department. Here, you can check headquarters address of IFFCO Tokio India, contact phone no of IFFCO Tokio corporate office India, as well as IFFCO Tokio India office locations.
IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company Limited Corporate Office Contact Details
- IFFCO Tokio Corporate Office Address: IFFCO Tower, Plot No. 3, Sector 29, Gurugram 122001, Haryana, India
- IFFCO Tokio Corporate Office Phone Number: +91-124-4285499
- IFFCO Tokio Corporate Office Fax Number: NA
- IFFCO Tokio Corporate Office Email ID: support@iffcotokio.co.in
IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company Limited Other Office Locations in India
- IFFCO Tokio has branches in various cities in India. To reach branch locater, as well as network hospital or network garage you can visit here
Check Also: For the contact information of ICICI Lombard India, you can click here
Some Additional Information
- Official Website: www.iffcotokio.co.in
- For FAQs visit here
As you checked companycontactdetails.in has provided IFFCO Tokio India Contact Information, Corporate Office, Email ID including Customer Care, office phone number, headquarters address, as well as website and social profiles. If are facing any type of issue with above-given information, so you can tell us.
प्रति ,
Dr. Subhash C. Khuntia
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
मी रत्नदीप कमलसिंग सिसोदिया रा.४ सरजू पार्क राठी आमराई जवळ जुना गंगापूर नाका नाशिक १३ वरील ठिकाणी राहत असून माझी गाडी क्र MH15-GR३४४३ गाडीचे चाबीसह रिमोट हे हरवले खूप शोधाशोध करूनही मिळून आले नाही तरी त्याबाबत सर्व सोपस्कार IFFCO-Tokio व shan motor ला पूर्ण करून दिलेत पोलीस पत्र पासून तर माझे वैयातिक लेखी खुलासा सह तरी देखील IFFCO-Tokio कंपनी वारवार वेगवेगळे नोंदी मागत आहे ज्या पोलिसी घेताना कंपनी अथवा ajant ने आम्हाला ण सांगता फक्त पैसे आणि फार्म वर सह्या घेवून जाण्याची घाई करतात तशी माझ्या बाबत देखील झाले आहे एकून दाखल केलेला केल्म कसा नाकारायचा याची धावपळ IFFCO-Tokio कंपनी करत आहे आणि यात आम्हाला ह्याच कंपनीची पोलिसी घेण्याबाबत shan motor जो त्यावेळेस आग्रह करत होते ते देखील आत्ता ग्राहकाला कुठली मदत करत नाहीत मी केलेला दावा एकच मात्र त्रास हा दोन्ही कडून सदर कंपनी याबाबत ग्राहकाला मानसिक छळ करून केल्म कसा सोडेल याबाबत तयारीत आहे तरी insurance regulatory and development authority act नुसार तात्काळ कार्यवाही करण्यात येवून आसाच त्रास इतरांना देवू नये याची तंबी त्यांना देण्यात यावी तरी याबाबत नोंद घेण्यात येवून पुढील कार्यवाही साठी न्याय मिळावा हि विनती
Thank you very much for beautiful service.
प्रत रवाना :
श्री.नरेंद्र मोदी साहेब पंतप्रधान भारत सरकार दिल्ली
श्री. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority मंत्रालय भारत सरकार दिल्ली
मा.ना. श्री.उध्दव ठाकरे साहेब मुख्यमंत्री महाराष्ट्र राज्य मंत्रालय मुबई
मा. श्री.सुभोध जायस्वाल साहेब पोलीस महासंचालक महाराष्ट्र राज्य कुलाबा मुबई
श्री. Mr. K. Srinivasa Gowda Chairman IFFCO-Tokio
Dear Sir, Good Morning.
Sir, I wish to bring in your kind notice that with the influence of an agent , one-two surveyors have been kept on the panel of your company in my locality[ BHIWANI-HARYANA] who prepares the assessment reports as per the want of the agent because of which your company is settling more claim payments, as well as few such claims are also paid which come in the periphery of ‘NO-CLAIM’ as the hidden issues relating to [NO CLAIM VEHICLES ] are not disclosed by the surveyors of your company. ALSO ONE VERY IMPORTANT THING TO NOTE IS THAT A SURVEYOR WHO IS INVOLVED IN BIG SCAM & AGAINST WHOM IS FIR+SERIOUS OFFENCES IMPOSED BY THE H’ONBLE COURT IS WORKING WITH YOUR COMPANY. All the other general insurance companies have stopped alloting survey jobs to this surveyor but due to influence of an agent & because of not knowing about the involvement in BIG SCAM of this surveyor, this surveyor is working in your company. Recently a private general insurance has given this surveyor a court notice & has asked from this surveyor that in which capacity he[ this surveyor] was working with their company by telling lie when he is involved in a BIG SCAM.
As such Sir, You are requested to check the matter & to initiate action against the fellow involved.
Thanks & Regards