Paytm India Contact Details, Office Address, Helpline No, Email IDs

Paytm India Contact Details, Office Address, Helpline No, Email IDs

Paytm India Contact Details, Office Address, Helpline No, Email IDs including headquarters address, office phone number, customer support helpline number and email id is available here with company bio data, network presence, as well as service locations. If you are looking for the profile like foundation year, founder, office locations, parent company, etc. So, from below, you can get all that including contact details of Paytm in India.

About Paytm

Paytm is an India based e-commerce payment system and financial technology company. The company was founded in 2010. It has main office as head office in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. Paytm is one of the largest payment gateway companies in India. It is one of the famous names, providing mobile payments and e-commerce services in India. Paytm provides pay for bills, shopping, recharges, booking train, bus, hotel, flights and transfer money. Below, you can check all types of contact details of Paytm India Company.

Paytm India Company Profile

  • Company Full Name: Paytm
  • Type: Private
  • Industry: e-commerce payment system
  • Founded Year: 2010
  • Founder: Vijay Shekhar Sharma
  • Headquarters: Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Key People: Vijay Shekhar Sharma (CEO and President), Ajay Shekhar Sharma (Vice president)
  • Parent Company: One97 Communications Ltd., Alibaba Group and Softbank
  • Owner: One97 Communications Ltd.
Paytm India Contact Details, Office Address, Helpline No, Email IDs

How to find Paytm India Contact Information

The company has millions of customers and they always try to find Paytm India contact details including office address, customer care, social pages on the internet. Sometimes, customers faces several types of issue with products and also want to contact for general queries. But, they don’t know how to find Paytm for customer support, as well as how to reach Paytm India customer care.

In this article, you can check all important details and fastest ways to reach Paytm India customer care team and other departments for any kind of help, general information, sales and technical support before and after sales. Here, you can find customer care number of Paytm, main office address of Paytm, as well as Paytm toll free number, Paytm India helpline no, Paytm phone number, social ids, website, blogs, as well as contact information of board of directors, if available.

Important Paytm India Contact Information

Paytm Customer Care Number+91-120-38883888 for customer care number
+91-120-4456456  for bank, wallet and payments
+91-120-4728728 for movies and events tickets
+91-120-4606060 for paytm mall shopping orders
+91-120-4880880 for paytm, travel, tickets and forex +91-20-4440440 for merchants helpline no
Paytm Customer Support,
Click here for customer queries for careers and jobs
Paytm Customer Care Office AddressB 121, Sector 5, Noida 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India
Twitter Account
YouTube ChannelNA

Note: Some numbers provided above may be non toll free number, so please verify call charges from your operator before call.

Paytm Main Office Locations in India

Through the information of Paytm offices, you can get much more support after customer care department. Here, you can check headquarters address of Paytm India, contact phone no of Paytm corporate office India, as well as Paytm India office locations.

Paytm India Main Office Contact Details

  • Paytm Main Office Address: B 121, Sector 5, Noida 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Paytm Main Office Phone Number: +91-120-4770770
  • Paytm Main Office Fax Number: +91-120-4770771
  • Paytm Main Office Email ID:

Paytm Other Office Locations in India

  • Paytm has 4 regional offices in India, which are located in Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata, company has one more office which is located in Canada.

List of Citywise Paytm Regional Office in India

CityContact Detail
BangaloreAddress: 144/533, 2nd floor, 22nd main, 150 Feet Ring Road, HSR Layout, 1st Sector Agara, Bengaluru 560102, Karnataka, India
Phone: +91-80-41237197
ChennaiAddress: 2 Floor, Balammal Building, No 33, Burkit Road, T Nagar, Chennai 600017, Tamil Nadu, India Phone: +91-44-24350197
MumbaiAddress: IV Floor, Enterprise Centre, Domestic Airport, Next to Orchid, Hotel Vile Parle East, Mumbai 400099, Maharashtra, India
Phone: +91-22-26133197
KolkataAddress: GN 31, 4th Floor, Benfish Tower, Salt Lake, Sector 5, Kolkata 700091, West Bengal, India
Phone: +91-33-40005197

Check Also: For the contact information of EKC, you can click here

Some Additional Information

As you checked has provided Paytm India Contact Details, Office Address, Helpline No, Email IDs including Customer Care, office phone number, headquarters address, as well as website and social profiles. If are facing any type of issue with above-given information, so you can tell us.


  1. हमारे पास बड़े मात्रा में डिजिटल कस्टमर्स अवेलेबल हैं हम आपके साथ जुड़ना चाहते हैं तो कृपया बताएं कि कैसे आप से हम जुड़ पाएंगे धन्यवाद

    • Today I purchase UC from your website so I paid from paytm(amount) for this my Playment was failed but my amount was deducted from my paytm so as soon as possible please refund my amount
      Order id:1000006276111

    • मेरी बुकिंग आय डी है 12613017406 मेरा फ्लाइट रद्द हो गया और एयर लाइन वालो ने पैसे भी वापस कर दिया पर पेटम ने अभीतक मेरे पैसे वापस नही कर रही है बस 7 दिन का समय बोल रही है आज 1 महीने के ऊपर हो गया पर पेटम का अभीतक 1 भी दिन नही हो गया मैं रोज फोन करके बात करता हु पर कोई जवाब ही नही क्या मुझे मेरे पैसे के लिए 7 दिन या फिर 7 साल इंतजार करना पड़ेगा कोई तो मेरी मद्दत करो और मेरे पैसे वापस देने के लिए

  2. मेरा ऑडर आने वाला है और मेरा ऑडर है प्रीपेड है जो डिलीवरी बॉय सिक्स डिजिट कोड मय नंबर

  3. I was. 9 times sent Request for delete Paytm account no 9427455287 . And submitted legal proof documents but my Paytm account not delete till date. Paytm customer service is very bad

  4. Mera paytm ac bina wajh block kar diya paytm apni man marji karta h mere ma ka operation chal raha hai sab paise paytm me hai aur paytm ne mera ac block kar diya 7506948682

    • नमस्कार

      पेटीएम सर्विस एजेंट fasteg लगाते वक्त गाड़ी से एक्स्ट्रा चार्ज लेता है
      डूंगरगढ़ की लखासर टोल पर पेटीएम fasteg के एजेंटों ने नोट की दुकान चालू कर रखी है मैं आपसे निवेदन करता हूं कि इस तरह के पेटीएम एजेंटों को तुरंत वहां से हटाया जाए और कंपनी से निकाला जाए क्योंकि भविष्य में यह लोग पेटीम का नाम खराब करेंगे
      मुझे इसकी जानकारी आज मिली है कि डूंगरगढ़ के लखासर टोल पर अशोक विश्नोई नामक बंधुओं ने कमर्शियल गाड़ी का ₹1 एक्टिव करके गाड़ी से ₹500 वसूले हैं यह सरेआम लोगों के सामने बदतमीजी से बात करके पैसे लेते हैं

      मैं पेटीएम कंपनी से कहना चाहता हूं कि अशोक विश्नोई नाम की आईडी से लगे हुए सभी fasteg के
      गाड़ी वालों के नंबर पर कॉल करके आप यह जानकारी ले सकते हो क्या fasteg लगाते वक्त आपसे कितने रुपए लिए
      रिप्लेसमेंट करते वक्त ₹100 का चार्ज कटता है और गाड़ी वालों से ₹300 लिए जाते हैं यह एक्स्ट्रा पर किस चीज के लिए जाते हैं मैं पेटीएम कंपनी से इसकी जानकारी लेना चाहता हूं वह तुरंत रिप्लाई दे

      और अशोक विश्नोई नामक बंदा जो लखासर टोल डूंगरगढ़ के पास में काम कर रहा है उसको तुरंत पेटीएम कंपनी से निकाला जाए वह धोखाधड़ी का केस करके जो पैसे जिस गाड़ी से रुपए एक्स्ट्रा लिए हैं वह रुपए गाड़ी वालों को वापस दिलाई जाए उसने जितने भी फास्ट्रेक लगे हैं हर गाड़ी से उसने ₹300 ज्यादा लिए हैं

      पेटीएम धोखाधड़ी एजेंट
      Ashok Bishnoi
      Mob no. +919509483457

      इससे बात करके तुरंत वहां से हटाया जाए नहीं तो पेटीएम के खिलाफ हम केस करेंगे

  5. poor service ,no solution
    very sad platform of paytm \do not use this.
    customer care not providing the any solution.i have consecutive fallowing past 7 days for rekyc .no body respond me .it is rubbish platform
    this is my view which i have felt on paytm platform

  6. I had made a transaction of Rs 20000/-
    From my personal number on 26th October 2020 and transaction was failed but account deducted from my account is not refunded by your team. My banks team is continuously asking for the same with your team

    • This PayTm has no ethics to reply to either phone calls or emails or even yo letters written to their Noida office as well as to Mumbai VPs office. On 4th June 2020, I paid an amount of RS 777/- thru PayTm to Dish TV for 3 months recharge amount. My PNB net banking system has promptly deducted this with ref no. Of PayTm. However, PayTm till date has not paid to Dish TV. In this regard I continuously wrote letter, mails and also tried to contact them in many phone number taken from internet but there was neither an answer nor a call back from them. Secondly, my mails sent to them in two mail IDs were cool directed to spam. Because of this, I wrote a letter to their Noida office and sent thru courier. But this was also not answered. Dish TV even though they have appointed PayTm as their nodel agency for collection of recharge subscription from customers have informed that they cannot ask them to make the payment collected from me. Such is the working style of this PayTm and Dish TV. Whom to take up for recovery of my money from PayTm. I also would like to say the prompt response of CCAvenue in a similar stuck-up case and they have very promptly not only responded to my mail but also recredited my money in my bank account. Narayanan / 9427407240 /

  7. i purchased 10fasttag for self activation and same i received on 20.02.2021. i tried many time to activation but no use it not activated. regarding this I rise a complaint on 20.2.2021 03.15pm and shared all the Doc for 5tags and I received the confirmation message from paytm your tags will be activated with in 42 – 72 hours but till now(28/02/2021) no use and no solution. poor service ,no solution for query no local language
    very sad platform of paytm \do not use this.
    customer care not providing the any solution.simply saying your problem to be solved as possible as early for 10 to 15 days ……… same word no chane in that …. i have consecutive following past 10 days .no body respond me .it is rubbish platform
    this is my view which i have felt on paytm platform

  8. PLEASE HELP ME FAST MY TRAN NO SETTLE 15/02/2021 TO 13/03/2021

  9. Hi,
    I had placed an order through PayTm mall app pre-paying the amount on 8th March 2021 with order id 12985059299. It was expected to reach me by 14th March. Unfortunately even after weeks, still I didn’t get the product. I tried contacting your customer support to enquire about the delay in delivery. Nobody responded to that. Later I realized that you do not even have a proper customer care number. I tried contacting you with all the available means such as phone, mail and message through the app. At last, yesterday I messaged in your Facebook page and they responded to that. Later they assured that the product would be delivered by 22nd March. But, Today morning I received a message in PayTm app stating the order is cancelled from your end as there was nobody to deliver it. What a pathetic service! Is this the way how you treat your customers? I had been waiting for the product for the last two weeks prepaying the full amount. If you could not deliver it properly, then why did you place my order? You could have informed it at the time of ordering the product. So that I could have ordered it through any online shopping site which are far more better than you. So, I need a compensation for my loss. I lost my money & time going after your worst service. Either you should provide a satisfactory compensation (not only refunding the prepaid money) or I will legally move against you. I will also share my bad experience through all the social media available. Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Jetto Luke Joy

  10. order id 10106364759

    It is almost 22 days since i am following up with you guys for refund of my money, but one or the other excuse from your side is disturbing me. I had already provided bamk details – you said bounced.; then provided cancelled cheque – you againsaid bounced, then you asked if funds can be transferred in paytm account, you said that too bounced!!!
    Really surprising to me why this is happening from your end. Somebody should have called me atleast to explain & giving some quick solution!Really very unprofessional approach!

  11. Maine 1 February ko jiomart Ka order Kiya or 2 nd February ko cansal Kiya usaka refund jiomart ki tarfase 3 February ko Kiya hai magar abhitak refund mere account me nahi aaya please help me.mera transection ditel by debit card OTHPG 103220081937 patyam NOIDA Date 01/02/2021.

  12. Mere dad ko kisi ne payment kiya tha via Paytm woh paise direct unko Paytm wallet me chale gaye … Wallet se jab paise Bank account me ya kisi or ko transfer kar rahe hai to kyc error aa raha hai… Humne kyc update bhi via video call kyc uske bavjud same error aa raha hai humne kyc center jjakar check kiya waha par bhi kyc done ✅ aise hi show ho raha hai … Please kuch solution do mere ko online ka koi knowledge nahi hai … Lockdown ke chalte papa ke pass bhi nahi hai please help woh paise wallet se kaise nikale or woh kaise use kar sakte hai please bataye

  13. I did recharge on 05th of MAY 2021 at 04:04 pm on this no.9621672701 payment done but recharge processing.
    please refund my amount of rupees 399 or complete my recharge.
    kindly do the needful.
    Reference no.-112556411122

  14. Dear Team,

    Iam mistakenly placed the order which is the order id – 13535447024 – one plus 8 pro – 8gb ram – 128gb internal – black colour on 12.05.2021 but its mistakenly placed by me,now cancellation not allowed at my end – pls cancel my order and refund my amount to original source of account and do the needful on high priority basis.

    K venkatesh,

  15. I had done my booking On mar 17 for Del-Ktm-Del.Vistara ticket was cancelled by the airlines but my refund is still pending.Done many follow up and emails but they alway say after 7 days will update you and it is already 2 months.I want my refund back.Please intervene on priority.As a customer I had a bad experience in travel booking.

  16. Maine ek mobil liya jo heating or charging problem phle se ho rahi thi.refund ko ke liye apply kiya toh cancel cancel karke 10 din nikal kiye or ab refund ka option hi nahi aa raha ab btao mai is is kharab ka kya karu.ager mera phone return nahi hua toh mai 10din may is app ko delet kar duga or apne sab friend ko boluga ki shopping yaha se kabhi na kare

    • Maine ek mobil liya jo heating or charging problem phle se ho rahi thi.refund ko ke liye apply kiya toh cancel cancel karke 10 din nikal kiye or ab refund ka option hi nahi aa raha ab btao mai is is kharab ka kya karu.ager mera phone return nahi hua toh mai 10din may is app ko delet kar duga or apne sab friend ko boluga ki shopping yaha se kabhi na kare.meri oder is hai13565707597

  17. मेरा पेटम अकाउंट किस वजह से ब्लॉक कर दिया है पता नहीं। पेटम केयर पर बात की तो बताते है की आपकी शिकायत आई है। शिकायत किसने की पता नहीं। शिकायतकर्ता कौन है पता नहीं। शिकायतकर्ता कहा रहता है पता नहीं बस यही कहते की शिकायतकर्ता से सम्पर्क करो। ये कोई बात है।

  18. Minijoy ke game se money collect kiya.minijoy me kyc maangi.kyc de di.fir withdraw nahi ho rahe.kyc pending dikha raha hai.solution bataen.

  19. मेरी बुकिंग आय डी है 10371825552 मेरा फ्लाइट रद्द हो गया और एयर लाइन वालो ने पैसे भी वापस कर दिया पर पेटम ने अभीतक मेरे पैसे वापस नही कर रही है बस 7 दिन का समय बोल रही है आज 1.5 साल के ऊपर हो गया पर पेटम का अभीतक 1 भी दिन नही हो गया मैं रोज फोन करके बात करता हु पर कोई जवाब ही नही क्या मुझे मेरे पैसे के लिए 7 दिन या फिर 7 साल इंतजार करना पड़ेगा कोई तो मेरी मद्दत करो और मेरे पैसे वापस देने के लिए

  20. Boss
    I belongs from muzaffarpur (Bihar) contact to ur company rep but he denied to solve my problem and told me that u can approach any one no can solve ur problem how can I understand about statement for his speech, I had installed 8 pos machine of Paytm pls give directions as early as possible otherwise I deactivate soon

  21. Sir Mera account block ho gaya hai kafi deno se pareshan hu mere nambar pe khockha kadihua hemera paytam account number ko unblock karne ki krapa kare to apki badiemeharbani ho gi o

  22. Last 15 day May sond Box not reples tickit no are 5050281537& 5060566263
    Your agant se etni pase company nahin dati hai mugi agant no are 9027219919

  23. i wants to delete my account from paytm please help me from anywhere and send me conatct number of coustomer service so i can contact and talk my problem about that

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