Republic TV India Contact Details, Corporate Office, Email IDs

Republic TV India Contact Details, Corporate Office, Email IDs

Republic TV India Contact Details, Corporate Office, Email IDs including headquarters address, office phone number, customer support helpline number and email id is available here with company bio data, network presence, as well as service locations. If you are looking for the profile like foundation year, founder, office locations, parent company, etc. So, from below, you can get all that including contact details of Republic TV in India.

About Republic TV

Republic TV is an India based News Channel company. The company was founded in 2017, has main office as headquarter in Mumbai. Republic TV is one of the largest News Channel companies in India. It is one of the famous names, providing Daily News in India. Republic TV provides Hindi and English Newspaper. Below, you can check all types of contact details of Republic TV India Company.

Republic TV India Company Profile

  • Company Full Name: Republic TV
  • Type: Public
  • Industry: media
  • Founded Year: 6 May 2017
  • Founder: Arnab Goswami And Rajeev Chandrasekhar
  • Headquarters: Mumbai
  • Key People: NA
  • Parent Company: NA
  • Subsidiaries: NA
Republic TV India Contact Details, Corporate Office, Email IDs

How to find Republic TV India Contact Information

The company has millions of customers and they always try to find Republic TV India contact details including office address, customer care, social pages on the internet. Sometimes, customers faces several types of issue with products and also want to contact for general queries. But, they don’t know how to find Republic TV for customer support, as well as how to reach Republic TV India customer care.

In this article, you can check all important details and fastest ways to reach Republic TV India customer care team and other departments for any kind of help, general information, sales and technical support before and after sales. Here, you can find customer care number of Republic TV, main office address of Republic TV, as well as Republic TV toll free number, Republic TV India helpline no, Republic TV phone number, social ids, website, blogs, as well as information of board of directors, if available.

Important Republic TV India Contact Information

Republic TV Customer Care Number+91-120-451-2100 (Main Switchboard No)
Republic TV Customer Support (For Advertisement )
Click Here to reach us
Republic TV Customer Care Office AddressBombay Dyeing Compound Worli, Mumbai 400018, India
Twitter Account

Note: Some numbers provided above may be non toll free number, so please verify call charges from your operator before call.

Republic TV Main Office Locations in India

Through the information of Republic TV offices, you can get much more support after customer care department. Here, you can check headquarters address of Republic TV India, contact phone no of Republic TV corporate office India, as well as Republic TV India office locations.

Republic TV India Registered Office Contact Details

  • Republic TV Registered Office Address: Bombay Dyeing Compound Worli, Mumbai 400018, India
  • Republic TV Registered Office Phone Number: +91-120-451-2100 (Main Switchboard No)
  • Republic TV Registered Office Fax Number: NA
  • Republic TV Registered Office Email ID:

Republic TV Other Office Locations in India

We didn’t found any other Republic TV office across India. If, the company opens any branch or locations in future, so we will update it here.

Check Also: For the contact information of Dainik Jagran, you can click here

Some Additional Information

As you checked has provided Republic TV India Contact Details, Corporate Office, Email IDs including Customer Care, office phone number, headquarters address, as well as website and social profiles. If are facing any type of issue with above-given information, so you can tell us.


  1. we are really shocked to see the prevailing situations in INDIA, the leadership is non-vibrant and in-sensible, institutions are corrupt, the question arise who is loyal to beautiful india, only media can not save nations and uplift the national character, they all have money and religion mania. (DIFFICULT TO TREAT THIS FATAL DISEASE)

    • कहाँ हैं महिला सशक्ति करण?
      दो बहनो का हक जबरदस्ती छीन लिया जा रहा
      जबरदस्ती गोदनामा ले कर 1 ब्यक्ति(राकेश कुमार पाण्डेय s/o shvami nath पाण्डेय) इन दोनो बहनो को रोड पे कर दिया
      और प्रसासन् भी उसी बैमान् का साथ दे रही क्यो की उन लोगों के पास पैसा हैं वो लोग किसी को भी खरीद सकते हैं चाहे लेकपाल हो या कनूनगो क्योकि मामला लगभग 30 बीघा ज़मीन का हैं
      #ये मामला #UP ke
      #Basti जिले के ग्राम- पढ़नी, भूड़कुलगंज् का हैं
      Harraiya थाना के अंतर्गत आता हैं
      #दोनों बहनें
      बड़ी बहन श्रीमती शिव कुमारी
      और छोटी बहन श्रीमती सारदा देवी हैं

    • Leadership is not insensible the tukre tukre gang like people who are brought behind bars for them govt is insensible.I think Abrar is one of them.

    • सर भारत देश में मजदूरों के ऊपर कंपनी बहुत अन्याय कर रही हे मजदूर वर्ग के लिए कोई आवाज उठाने को तैयार नही सर मेरे पास ऐसी बहुत कंपनी की जानकारी हे जो में आप को दे सकता हु

  2. To quote the late Admiral SM Nanda, keep hitting hard Arnab Goswami. Victory is yours. Maha Govt and their associates i.e. the Mumbai police, shall get torpedoed soon enough. Jai Bharat.

  3. Respected Arnabsir,
    मेरा नाम कौशिक नेगांधी है मेरी उम्र 70 साल है। मैंने आज तक आप जैसा पत्रकार नहीं देखा, क्यूंकि आज़ादी के 73 साल मे से तक़रीबन 60 साल कांग्रेस गवर्मेंट का राज रहा है जो पूरी तरह से खाऊ और देशद्रोही गवर्नमेंट रही। ये मोदीजी के आने से सब कुछ सही हो रहा दीखता है और मोदीजी की वज़ह से कुछ सच्चे इंसान भी बहार आ रहे है जिसमे से एक आप भी है। We proud of you Arnavsir।

    ईमेल भेजने की वज़ह नीचे मुताबित है।
    1-आप कह रहे है आपके साथ खड़ा रहने को तो हमें क्या करना चाहिए? हम तो कॉमन आदमी है हम चाहते है कि हम आप के साथ रहें मगर कैसे? आपको tv के माध्य्म से हमें बताना चाहिए के हमें किसको email या कोई और तरीका हो तो tv के माध्य्म से समजाना चाहिए ताकि हम लोग आपको सपोर्ट कर सके।मेरी तरह बहोत से लोग होंगे जो आप को सपोर्ट करना चाहते है मगर तरीका पता न होनेकी वजहसे कुछ नहीं कर सकते। तो आप tv के माध्यम से समझाने की कोशिश करें।
    2-ये महाराष्ट्र गोवर्नमेंट आप के पीछे पड़ी हुई है R Bharat को बंध करवाने तो मोदीजी क्यों कुछ नहीं करते? अगर ऐसा है तो Congress govt और BJP Govt में फर्क क्या रहा? Congress कश्मीरी ब्राह्मण के लिए चुप थी और BJP आप के 1200 कर्मचारी याने 1200 family के लिए चुप है। आप हमें समझाही ये हमे किसतरह BJP को जगाना होगा?
    We are with you Sir।
    Kaushik Negandhi
    Cell no 9323733409

  4. कहाँ हैं महिला सशक्ति करण?
    दो बहनो का हक जबरदस्ती छीन लिया जा रहा
    जबरदस्ती गोदनामा ले कर 1 ब्यक्ति(राकेश कुमार पाण्डेय s/o shvami nath पाण्डेय) इन दोनो बहनो को रोड पे कर दिया
    और प्रसासन् भी उसी बैमान् का साथ दे रही क्यो की उन लोगों के पास पैसा हैं वो लोग किसी को भी खरीद सकते हैं चाहे लेकपाल हो या कनूनगो क्योकि मामला लगभग 30 बीघा ज़मीन का हैं
    #ये मामला #UP ke
    #Basti जिले के ग्राम- पढ़नी, भूड़कुलगंज् का हैं
    Harraiya थाना के अंतर्गत आता हैं
    #दोनों बहनें
    बड़ी बहन श्रीमती शिव कुमारी
    और छोटी बहन श्रीमती सारदा देवी हैं

  5. Those people should be invited for debate by which a positive message will go to public.these useless people should not be given chance to come to the national chanel. These are liars and always tells lie.these people have no intrest with general public. As they are doing with Kissan aandolan.

  6. Please help me tutu tufan please contact 9892423691 my address- Tata power house treemrti devipada borivali East Gurkha chawal Mumbai Maharashtra 400066

  7. I used to like the Republic channel but off late I have stopped watching it. but now I stopped it because of all uncivilized debates. Although topics are very relevant and very important for the country, debates look like a vegetable market. It is very difficult to hear what a few very learned speakers wish to tell us. For example 4th of June evening there was a good debate on the origin of the covid virus but one speaker Mr Srivatava of CPM disturbed a lot and the anchor was looking totally helpless. Why cant the anchor could mute such uncivilized speakers who spoil some very important debates. Even Pakistani TV channels debates are very civilized and rarely anybody speaks over others. Can’s we have some basic etequettes in our TV debates.

  8. My Dear Brother (ARG ji), I thought my 3 page letter, to with find its place immediately ino thr trash bin. But your humble grace proved me Wrong. Out of millions of viewers, you took to see to one single Viewer’s letter and took action as requested. You and hence “R” is unique in your approach & deeds, which is marvelous. I think you recd my letter on 24/Feb. May God bless you to continue the Humane touch. Thanks.

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